
As stated in the Sales Conditions, Arvind guarantees the quality of the materials used and their promised characteristics as well as the correct working of the goods provided by Arvind Industries Europe. 

Products as supplied have a warranty period of twelve (12) months after delivery. Instruments in which a manufacuring defect is found can be sent back to us using a valid MRA number. Arvind will be free decide to either replace or repair the instrument free of charge.

Please note that no warranty, other than a warranty that they work at moment of reception, is provided for consumables such as electrodes and other consumable parts.

All warranty agreements lapse:

- if changes and/or repairs are being made without written permission of Arvind to the product supplied 
- or if the product supplied has not been or is not being used or treated exactly according to the directives or the user instructions
- or if the product supplied is being used or treated injudiciously in any other way
- or if a software change has been made in or with regard to the product supplied by a party other than the Supplier
- or if the product supplied has been or is being used or applied for purposes other than for which it is intended
- or if the product supplied has been or is being used in a way which in all reasonableness could not have expected

All instruments and parts are new and have never been used, unless specifically stated otherwise.
When applying for warranty, please inquire for a MRA (material return authorization) number by e-mail. Without this number goods may be rejected.

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